
Daily Sketches

Daily Sketches 20151005

On MRT Red line, a girl tied her hair as a ball on top of her head sat in front of me, She is pretty, I sketched her carefully because I use crayon instead of charcoal, I couldn't correct it once I failed to catch the contour of her side view. a passenger sat beside, she said "you are very successful in sketching her even I can tell who that you are drawing." I believe the gir who I had drawn listened what we were talking, She turned and smiled to me.

Daily Sketches 20151001

At Starbucks in Neihu RT-Mart

The movie, Inside Llewyn Davis, is talking about a singer who was never successful in his professional career. when he totally failed and ready to give up. He decided to do one thing for his father who was living in nursing house and lost memories for a long time. He played guitar and sang a song once his father could remember something after listening what he played, he thought it's more than everything in the world.

I painted and showed to my mom everytime as I came home. She was not able to walk and talk but she was generous to give me a "like" by showing her thumb up. I guessed what I painted was her whole world.

Daily Sketches 20150928

Sketching in Starbucks

I am not good enough to sketch the live figure, but I still love it very much. Normally I failed to finish them who was being painted and then they changed gestures. Anyway, I am practicing every time when I go to coffee shop. People are elegant and quiet when they are reading or talking which make me easy to observer them.

Daily Sketches 20150927

A small temple

A small temple worship the god of earth hides in the community. Since I was born, the temple had been there for a long time. People comes here to burn paper money for the gods and ancestors frequently. Because of the neighbors' protests of the air pollution, the temple mounts a 18 meter stove pipe to exhaust the smoke.

Daily Sketches 20150926

Beitou incineration plant

There is a revolving restaurant at the height of 120 meters and a heated swimming pool heated by the incinerator.

2 則留言:

  1. 很喜歡你今天弄上來的這些素描喔

    1. 謝謝你~
